Tuesday, 7 August 2012


 Based on the movie that I already watched in the class, Chuck Noland who travels to resolving problem at FedEx depots, and he has a long time relationship with Kelly Frears. When Tom hanks in the airplane with the crew, suddenly violent storm and crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Chuck was surviving from the sinking plane with the raft, and floats all night before being washed up on an island. After a awakens chuck in the island he discovers all the island and he pick up the packages FedEx from the crashed. Many thing Chuck learn from the island until four year have passed, Chuck is very adept all thing in the island. Chuck found a portable toilet washed up on the island, and he uses the entire thing from the island to make a raft, after finish, he deciding when the weather conditions is good. After the weather is good Chuck launch he raft and he was found by cargo ship, after Chuck is in the country, his couple already married to Chuck dentist and has a daughter. Chuck go to Kelly house and meet Kelly, and Kelly give a key to Chuck the car they once shared. Chuck travels out into country to return unopened FedEx package, went he came to the place, but no people they, he just put the package in the door and walk away.

   If i am in the story, I think I will do the same thing as Chuck does, Chuck has the feeling that he can go back to his country. He so brave and he don’t give up anything.

Monday, 6 August 2012


Summarry  ( Lie detector )

There are variuos ways in which the  lie detector machine can be used ,firstly, it work by voice analysis without a subject’s  knowledge and used by private industry for pre –employment screaming, investigating,thefts, and even periodic staff checks.others than that ,the divide is used For pre- employment interviews. And its is also  used by insurance investigator monitor the insurance system . The objections to its use is it can be used to probe a whole range of personal issues and political affiliations. 



According to legend,there lived seven brother (Tuluh sangkakak) in Kg Salilir who possesed supernatural strength.The youngest brother  uses reputed to be the most outstading .It was not easy to challenge him.It wa alaso said  that the people could see the brother but could not converse with them.

The brother were liked by the villger.Everyday,they helped the villager to flatten the hills by throwing rocks taken from a river.It was said that they hoped to mortal after completing the task.
The  Brother  extradinary strength drew the envy of the one Kalawon kelala.who was himself a very powerfulman.he was particulary jeolous of the youngest brothers talent and plotted to kill him.To do this ,he pretewted to bestfriend him.he asked to borrow his poison dart for two days.On the third day.at an appointed place,on the pretext of returnng the poison dart.Kalawon kelala instead uses his blowpipe with the poison dart in it and shot at the youngest brother.The youngest brother was hit but he bravely retailed by usisng his machectc(parang).He however,on maroged to toward to around Kalawon Kelala’s leg and hit a nereby rock.This rock split intotwo.Seeing that the youngest brother still had some strength left Kalawon kelala filled for his life.

The  six older brother found their youngest brother weak and dying the youngest brother managed to related what had happed.He also said that he feared their task of flattering the hill might not be completed because he would die.he then requested them to burry his body at Mt Lumaku.(near sipitang) upon his death.

The new of the youngest brother’s death was announced to the villager by the beating of gong three times followed by a fact beat in this village,the gong was placed on a rock and struck repatelly and so hard that the rock became marked. The villagers could not come into direct contact with the brothers, thus it was left to the six brothers to carry the body of the youngest brother to Mt. Lumaku. The funeral procession was accompanied by gong beating until they reached the burial site.The journey to Mt.Lumaku took two days.On the first day,the six brothers stopped to spend the night at a place called Nahanas.As they placed the coffin on the ground,it turned into rock.The body however,remained intact.(The villagers of Kampong Salilir called the rock BatuNamalungunan or coffin-shaped rock.This rock can still be seen in Nahanas today).

On the second day,the brothers took turns to carry the body of the youngest brother.At a place called Lumuyu,they stopped to have a rest.They saw that the place had three huge rocks.Overcome with grief at the loss of their youngest brother,the six brothers began carving on the rocks to release their sadness.(These rocks are called BatuBinatikan or carved rock by the villagers.It was said that the brothers used their fingers to carve on the rocks).After having carved them.They continued their journey to Mt.Lumaku where they buried their youngest brother.


What are the common mistakes you do in writing? Do you fine writing in English is difficult? What kind of problem do you face when you start writing? What are your suggestions to overcome the problem?

They are a few mistakes that I usually make when doing and English writing. The 1st one is when using proper grammar, it hard for me to use proper grammar such as past tense. Some time I use word that not what I mean to use.
  The 2nd is spelling error I usually make mistake when spelling a word why cause English pronounce and spelling have a huge different. When a topic have been given and as an example it have particular writing format I usually don’t know how to use this format like letter format. I would be nice to use an idiom in writing but I don’t know how to use a particular idiom. And when I use 1 usually I will make mistake.

Do I found English is difficult, this is a yes for me I found English is difficult because growing using Malay as my 1st language and English as my 2nd language make English very hard. Seldom use English when talking makes English hard for me. Pronounce a word in English also very hard. Cause the spelling is different with the pronounce the word. Building a sentence in English is also hard for me to do. Sometime when I do a sentence it lead to a different meaning. A word in English can lead to a different meaning depending a sentence I make. That also a common thing that make English very hard for me to do.

What is the problem that I face when I start writing? When I start writing I must have the topic to begin with. But when the topic got it lead me to absent minded I don’t know how to start it. Providing a proper example is also a problem when I am writing. I can’t provide a proper example when I do my writing. To evaluate an idea also a problem for me when start writing. As an example love I can’t evaluate what love is.

My suggestion to overcome this problem is use English even more. Read article in English and whit the help of dictionary find the meaning of the word. It will help a lot not only in English knowledge it also help me in writing. Listening to a English song also help a lot when it came to pronounce a particular word. Find the meaning of the word. Will help in spelling. It will surprise you how much you improve your English. Try to use English as your daily conversation this will help a lot.


Water pollution

Water pollution can be found in everywhere. We know that water is the main sources in our daily life. The reason why water pollution is happen is the wasting of petrol and diesel, chemical industries, sewage and east water. Float can be happen if human throwing rubbish into the river and it also can cause water pollution. Meanwhile water pollution is spread almost around the world. It can be bring dangerous to us. Some company that produce drink water hard to them to analysis about water. Water pollution can broke our sight-seeing for example tanjung lipat can be classified as water pollution. Also water pollution can bring effect to the animal in the sea and surrounding in the world. Way to avoid water pollution happen are when we see any rubbish in the river or in the sea, slowly remove the rubbish and throw it in dustbin.


Stages of writing process

Stages of writing process we must have Topic Sentence, Supporting details and Conclusion.
·         Topic Sentence is introduction of a paragraph, and start with a topic sentence that uses the key words. Example:

The place that I feel most comfortable is my hometown of PulauLangkayan.

·         Supporting details is reason that your topic is true, and three reason sentence and detail sentence. Showing the reason, and one of these explanation, evidence, example and experience. Example

I can relax as I watch the surfaces gently glide over the tumbling ocean waves. Seeing the tall palm trees sway in the wind is calming to me as I watch the rolling sand dunes. The pier, as red as a ruby, stand out to me among the deep blue ocean. As I lay on the sand, I see kites rise above the clouds and soar gracefully in the wind. The fisherman cast their line off the pier hoping to feel a tug and reel in a big fish.

The sounds of PulauLangkayan beach are that harmony. Seagulls peacefully chirp as they soar overhead searching for food. The howling wind whistles through the beach like an arriving train. As the crash of the waves thunder through my ears, it brings me back to reality while I day dream. The sound of oil rigs across main street sound like a steady drum keeping the beat in an orchestra of sound.

Everything on PulauLangkayan beach has its own unique feel. The salty air blowing on my face feels wet and cool as it passed by. The felling of the grainy sand is comforting to my feet as I walk across the shore. When I plunge into the ocean’s salt water, it feels refreshing to my skin like a glass of water on a hot day.

·         Conclusion is no paragraph should be less than eight sentences and restates introduction. Example

PulauLangkayan Beach is my mostay comfortable place mainly because of the sights, sounds, and the unique feel of everything mentioned in this ess. When I’m there, I feel totally relaxed as if I were in my own little world. Most of all, PulauLangkayan Beach is my most comfortable place because it is my favourite place to be on earth.


Task 3

In your own word describe the step of “writing process” provide example of the topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentences.
In writing step there are 3 types of sentences that we have to make that is topic, supporting, and concluding sentence.

The 1st sentence is topic sentence what is the topic sentence? The topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph. What does it do?  It introduces the main idea of the paragraph. How do I write one? Summarize the main idea of your paragraph. Indicate to the reader what your paragraph will be about. Example:

There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live
The 2nd sentence is what is supporting sentences? They come after the topic sentence, making up the body of a paragraph. What do they do? They give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph. How do I write them? You should give supporting facts, details, and examples. Example:

There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

The 3rd step which is the last step is concluding sentence or closing sentence. What is the closing sentence? The closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph. What does it do? It restates the main idea of your paragraph. How do I write one? Restate the main idea of the paragraph using different words.  Example:

There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

I bold each example to show the example of each sentence.

Friday, 3 August 2012


The Structure of a Sentence
Remember that every clause is, in a sense, a miniature sentence. A simple sentences contains only a single clause, while a compound sentence, a complex sentence, or a compound-complex sentence contains at least two clauses.
The Simple Sentence
The most basic type of sentence is the simple sentence, which contains only one clause. A simple sentence can be as short as one word:
ü  Usually, however, the sentence has a subject as well as a predicate and both the subject and the predicate may have modifiers. All of the following are simple sentences, because each contains only one clause:
ü  Ice melts.
ü  The ice melts quickly.
ü  The ice on the river melts quickly under the warm March sun.
ü  Lying exposed without its blanket of snow, the ice on the river melts quickly under the warm March sun.
ü  As you can see, a simple sentence can be quite long -- it is a mistake to think that you can tell a simple sentence from a compound sentence or a complex sentence simply by its length.
ü  The most natural sentence structure is the simple sentence: it is the first kind which children learn to speak, and it remains by far the most common sentence in the spoken language of people of all ages. In written work, simple sentences can be very effective for grabbing a reader's attention or for summing up an argument, but you have to use them with care: too many simple sentences can make your writing seem childish.
ü  When you do use simple sentences, you should add transitional phrases to connect them to the surrounding sentences.
The Compound Sentence
A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses (or simple sentences) joined by co-ordinating conjunctions like "and," "but," and "or":
ü  Canada is a rich country.
ü  Still, it has many poor people.
ü  Canada is a rich country, but still it has many poor people.
ü  Compound sentences are very natural for English speakers -- small children learn to use them early on to connect their ideas and to avoid pausing (and allowing an adult to interrupt):
ü  Today at school Mr. Moore brought in his pet rabbit, and he showed it to the class, and I got to pet it, and Kate held it, and we coloured pictures of it, and it ate part of my carrot at lunch, and ...
ü  Of course, this is an extreme example, but if you over-use compound sentences in written work, your writing might seem immature.
ü  A compound sentence is most effective when you use it to create a sense of balance or contrast between two (or more) equally-important pieces of information:
ü  Montéal has better clubs, but Toronto has better cinemas.
ü  Special Cases of Compound Sentences
ü  There are two special types of compound sentences which you might want to note. First, rather than joining two simple sentences together, a co-ordinating conjunction sometimes joins two complex sentences, or one simple sentence and one complex sentence. In this case, the sentence is called a compound-complex sentence:

ü  The package arrived in the morning, but the courier left before I could check the contents.
ü  The second special case involves punctuation. It is possible to join two originally separate sentences into a compound sentence using a semicolon instead of a co-ordinating conjunction:
ü  Sir John A. Macdonald had a serious drinking problem; when sober, however, he could be a formidable foe in the House of Commons.
ü  Usually, a conjunctive adverb like "however" or "consequently" will appear near the beginning of the second part, but it is not required:
ü  The sun rises in the east; it sets in the west.
The Complex Sentence
ü  A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Unlike a compound sentence, however, a complex sentence contains clauses which are not equal. Consider the following examples:
ü  My friend invited me to a party. I do not want to go.
ü  My friend invited me to a party, but I do not want to go.
ü  Although my friend invited me to a party, I do not want to go.
ü  In the first example, there are two separate simple sentences: "My friend invited me to a party" and "I do not want to go." The second example joins them together into a single sentence with the co-ordinating conjunction "but," but both parts could still stand as independent sentences -- they are entirely equal, and the reader cannot tell which is most important. In the third example, however, the sentence has changed quite a bit: the first clause, "Although my friend invited me to a party," has become incomplete, or a dependent clause.
ü  A complex sentence is very different from a simple sentence or a compound sentence because it makes clear which ideas are most important. When you write
ü  My friend invited me to a party. I do not want to go.or even
ü  My friend invited me to a party, but I do not want to go.
ü  The reader will have trouble knowing which piece of information is most important to you. When you write the subordinating conjunction "although" at the beginning of the first clause, however, you make it clear that the fact that your friend invited you is less important than, or subordinate, to the fact that you do not want to go.


What is love to you?

When we talking about love. There are many things that come out from our mind. As for me love can be define as a feeling to other not only to the opposite sex, it include to our family, friend, animal or plant. Love is very diverse and have different in other. 
What love mean for me is when we have a feeling care to other as an example we have a classmate in class. We want to protect him/her from any trouble. We thing about him/her many time. Even when we sleep we think about this particular person.  We talk about this particular person many times whether we realize it or not. That love mean to me.
In oxford dictionary love can be define as “an intense feeling of deep affection or fondness for a person or thing”. That mean love is not for a person only love for thing is also consider love. As an example love to animal, such as a dog we feed the dog every day. When the dog is missing we search for it until we find it. As for feeling when we lost the dog we maybe want to cry, sad or can’t even sleep until we find the dog.
Love for family is also considering as love. I don’t think that any person don’t love they family. Cause in our blood our parent blood is running in it. They take care of us from baby to adult without any complaint because they love us. That feeling also affected us. It also includes our siblings.
So love have very deep meaning it depend on a person to define it. Cause love is very deep to talk to. It can be many meaning depend on a person.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

TASK10 NO.10

I complete task over and my assignment was given. I learned many new words, such as
ü  Prepositions for examples: The boy carried his large tape recorder in jeans.
                                              :  The boy in jeans carried his large tape recorder

ü  Conjunctions for examples: I ate the pizza and the pasta
                                               : call the movers when you are ready
ü  Active /passive voice: smoking is prohibited (passive)
                                     : The management prohibits smoking (active)

The other hand, I've been looking for information on the Internet, which many find www.yahoo.com.dan I also note that the information given.
Thank you……….



Pulau Tiga is an island situated in Pulau Tiga Park, located about 35 nautical miles southwest of Kota Kinabalu. Covering an area of 15,864 ha and was gazetted as a National Park, The Pulau Tiga Park consists of the main island of Pulau Tiga, Pulau Kalampunian Damit or better known as “Snake Island” and Pulau Kalampunian Basar.

Getting There
Located south of Kota Kinabalu Pulau Tiga Park is reached by driving the 140 km to Kuala Penyu, a small settlement on the tip of the Klias Peninsula. From here it is another 18 km, or about 30 minutes, by boat. Another way of getting there is by chartering a speed boat from Kota Kinabalu and cruise to Pulau Tiga, or fly to Labuan Island and charter a speed boat from Labuan.


This package includes:
  • 1 Night Hotel Stay  (Twin Sharing)
  • Meals as stated (1 Breakfast / 2 Lunch / 1 Dinner)
  • 2 Ways Land Transfer (KK –  Jetty – KK)
  • 2 Ways Boat Transfer  (Jetty – Resort – Jetty)
  • 1 x Snake Island Tour (includes entrance fees)
  • Entrance Fees (as per itinerary)
  • Tour & Transfer as per itinerary
This package excludes:
  • Tips to Driver / Guide
  • Optional Tour to Snake Island 
  • Personal Expenses / Miscellaneous / Insurance
  • Rooms are based on ROH / Standard category
  • Peak season surcharge at RM 50 per Adult travelling on Eve / Malaysia Public Holidays and from 01/06/2012 – 30/09/2012
  • The above price is applicable to Malaysians. For NON Malaysians, please add RM 100 Per Person / Package to the listed price
  • Extension Night (includes stay, full board meals 1B,1L,1D)
  • Activities are subject to weather conditions, and may be re-organized to best meet operational situations
  • Boat Schedule may subject to change at the discretion of the Resort
·         Boat Schedule
KK - Pulau Penyu Jetty - Pulau Tiga Resort
Pulau Tiga Resort - Pulau Penyu Jetty  - KK
0800hrs (coach) - 1000hrs (boat) - 1030hrs
0900hrs (boat) - 0930hrs (coach) - 1130hrs
1230hrs (coach) - 1500hrs (boat) - 1530hrs
1400hrs (boat) - 1430hrs (coach) - 1630hrs

Day 01 (-/L/D)
Pulau Tiga
Meet and greet at KK City / Hotel and enjoy an  overland drive through scenic country side to Kuala Penyu some 140km away (approximately 2 hours)
From here, you will take another 30minutes boat ride to Pulau Tiga. Upon arrival at Resort, enjoy a short  briefing.  Next, enjoy a trek to the Mud Volcano and soak yourself into the pool of therapeutic volcanic mud. After a muddy experience, return back to the beach to wash off the mud with a short stop over at  the site where the Fame SURVIVOR Series was filmed by the American CBS production in March 2000 and the UK based BBC production the following year.
Snake Island Tour & Free at Leisure
Overnight in Hotel
Day 02 (B/L/-)

Check out from hotel. Next, enjoy a boat transfer back to Kuala Penyu Jetty.   Continue the journey  to Kota Kinabalu City. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant along the way.



Mr.Verma: Good afternoon. Can I get a room in the Hotel please?
Receptionist: Have you made a Advance booking, Sir?
Mr.Verma: I’m afraid I haven’t done any room reservation. I tried to do hotel online booking. I believe that hotel reservation software was not working then
Receptionist:What kind of a room do you want, Sir? A double
room or a single room?
Mr.Verma: A single room, please.
Receptionist: Let me see. (Looking at the register). We are fully booked up at this time of the year. No, we haven’t a single room available, sir.
Mr.Verma: But please do try to help me out. I wouldn’t know where else to stay.
Receptionist: would you like to see the hotel Manager, Sir? He just might have some rooms reserved for emergencies.
Mr.Verma :Thank you. Can you direct me to the Hotel Manager, Please.
Receptionist: I’ll trace him for you in the hotel. Just a moment, Sir.(Talking into the phone). Please get me the Hotel Manager. He might be in booking office or he might have gone on a round of the hotel. It he is not in the booking office, try the Indian Restaurant. Thank you.
Mr.Verma: In the means while, can someone get my baggage out of the taxi?
Receptionist: Why not. Of course.  (Tapping a bell for the porter. To the porter.) Please get the gentleman’s bags out of the taxi. (To Mr.Verma) please do sit down. I’ll speak to the Manager of the Hotel about a room for you, Sir.
Mr.Verma: What is the room tariff in this hotel.


The Verb

Recognize a verb when you see one.
Verbs are a necessary component of all sentences. Verbs have two important functions: Some verbs put static objects into motion while other verbs help to clarify the objects in meaningful ways. Look at the examples below:

My grumpy old English teacher smiled at the plate of cold meatloaf.
My grumpy old English teacher = static object; smiled = verb.
The daredevil cockroach splashed into Sara's soup.
The daredevil cockroach = static object; splashed = verb.
Theo's overworked computer exploded in a spray of sparks.
Theo's overworked computer = static object; exploded = verb.
The curious toddler popped a grasshopper into her mouth.
The curious toddler = static object; popped = verb.
Francisco's comic book collection is worth $20,000.00.
Francisco's comic book collection = static object; is = verb.
The important thing to remember is that every subject in a sentence must have a verb. Otherwise, you will have written a fragment, a major writing error.
Remember to consider word function when you are looking for a verb.
Many words in English have more than one function. Sometimes a word is a subject, sometimes a verb, sometimes a modifier. As a result, you must often analyze the job a word is doing in the sentence. Look at these two examples:

Potato chips crunch too loudly to eat during an exam.
The crunch of the potato chips drew the angry glance of Professor Orsini to our corner of the room.
Crunch is something that we can do. We can crunch cockroaches under our shoes. We can crunch popcorn during a movie. We cancrunch numbers for a math class. In the first sentence, then, crunchis what the potato chips do, so we can call it a verb.
Even though crunch is often a verb, it can also be a noun. Thecrunch of the potato chips, for example, is a thing, a sound that we can hear. You therefore need to analyze the function that a word provides in a sentence before you determine what grammatical name to give that word.
Know an action verb when you see one.
Dance! Sing! Paint! Giggle! Chew! What are these words doing? They are expressing action, something that a person, animal, force of nature, or thing can do. As a result, words like these are called action verbs. Look at the examples below:

Clyde sneezes with the force of a tornado.
Sneezing is something that Clyde can do.
Because of the spoiled mayonnaise, Ricky vomitedpotato salad all day.
Vomiting is something that Ricky can do—although he might not enjoy it.
Sylvia always winks at cute guys driving hot cars.
Winking is something that Sylvia can do.
The telephone rang with shrill, annoying cries.
Ringing is something that the telephone can do.
Thunder boomed in the distance, sending my poor dog scrambling under the bed.
Booming is something that thunder can do.
If you are unsure whether a sentence contains an action verb or not, look at every word in the sentence and ask yourself, "Is this something that a person or thing can do?" Take this sentence, for example:
During the summer, my poodle constantly pants and drools.
Can you during? Is during something you can do? Can you the? Is there someone theing outside the window right now? Can yousummer? Do your obnoxious neighbors keep you up until 2 a.m. because they are summering? Can you my? What does a person do when she's mying? Can you poodle? Show me what poodling is. Can you pant? Bingo! Sure you can! Run five miles and you'll be panting. Can you and? Of course not! But can you drool? You bet—although we don't need a demonstration of this ability. In the sentence above, therefore, there are two action verbs: pant and drool.

Know a linking verb when you see one.
Linking verbs, on the other hand, do not express action. Instead, they connect the subject of a verb to additional information about the subject. Look at the examples below:
Mario is a computer hacker.
Ising isn't something that Mario can do. Is connects the subject, Mario, to additional information about him, that he will soon have the FBI on his trail.
During bad storms, trailer parks are often magnets for tornadoes.
Areing isn't something that trailer parks can do. Are is simply connecting the subject, trailer parks, to something said about them, that they tend to attract tornadoes.
After receiving another failing grade in algebra, Josebecame depressed.
Became connects the subject, Jose, to something said about him, that he wasn't happy.
A three-mile run seems like a marathon during a hot, humid July afternoon.
Seems connects the subject, a three-mile run, with additional information, that it's more arduous depending on the day and time.
At restaurants, Rami always feels angry after waiting an hour for a poor meal.
Feels connects the subject, Rami, to his state of being, anger.
The following verbs are true linking verbs: any form of the verb be[am, were, has been, are being, might have been, etc.], become, and seem. These true linking verbs are always linking verbs.
Then you have a list of verbs with multiple personalities: appear, feel,grow, look, prove, remain, smell, sound, taste, and turn. Sometimes these verbs are linking verbs; sometimes they are action verbs. Their function in a sentence decides what you should call them.
How do you tell when they are action verbs and when they are linking verbs? If you can substitute am, is, or are for the verb and the sentence still sounds logical, you have a linking verb on your hands. If, after the substitution, the sentence makes no sense, you are dealing with an action verb. Here are some examples:
Chris tasted the crunchy, honey-roasted grasshopper.
Chris is the grasshopper? I don't think so! In this sentence then, tasted is an action verb.
The crunchy, honey-roasted grasshopper tasted good.
The grasshopper is good? You bet. Roast your own!
I smell the delicious aroma of the grilled octopus.
I am the delicious aroma? Not the last time I checked.Smell, in this sentence, is an action verb.
The aroma of the grilled octopus smells appetizing.
The aroma is appetizing? Definitely! Come take a whiff!
The students looked at the equation until their brains hurt.
The students are the equation? Of course not! Here, lookedis an action verb.
The equation looked hopelessly confusing.
The equation is confusing? Without a doubt! You try it.
This substitution will not work for appear. With appear, you have to analyze the function of the verb.
Godzilla appeared in the doorway, spooking me badly.
Appear is something Godzilla can do—whether you want him to or not.
Godzilla appeared happy to see me.
Here, appeared is connecting the subject, Godzilla, to his state of mind, happiness.
Realize that a verb can have more than one part.
You must remember that verbs can have more than one part. In fact, a verb can have as many as four parts. A multi-part verb has a base ormain part as well as additional helping or auxiliary verbs 
with it. Check out the examples below:

Harvey spilled chocolate milkshake on Leslie's new dress.
Because Harvey is a klutz, he is always spillingsomething.
Harvey might have spilled the chocolate milkshake because the short dress distracted him.
Harvey should have been spilling the chocolate milkshake down his throat.