Monday, 6 August 2012



According to legend,there lived seven brother (Tuluh sangkakak) in Kg Salilir who possesed supernatural strength.The youngest brother  uses reputed to be the most outstading .It was not easy to challenge him.It wa alaso said  that the people could see the brother but could not converse with them.

The brother were liked by the villger.Everyday,they helped the villager to flatten the hills by throwing rocks taken from a river.It was said that they hoped to mortal after completing the task.
The  Brother  extradinary strength drew the envy of the one Kalawon kelala.who was himself a very powerfulman.he was particulary jeolous of the youngest brothers talent and plotted to kill him.To do this ,he pretewted to bestfriend him.he asked to borrow his poison dart for two days.On the third an appointed place,on the pretext of returnng the poison dart.Kalawon kelala instead uses his blowpipe with the poison dart in it and shot at the youngest brother.The youngest brother was hit but he bravely retailed by usisng his machectc(parang).He however,on maroged to toward to around Kalawon Kelala’s leg and hit a nereby rock.This rock split intotwo.Seeing that the youngest brother still had some strength left Kalawon kelala filled for his life.

The  six older brother found their youngest brother weak and dying the youngest brother managed to related what had happed.He also said that he feared their task of flattering the hill might not be completed because he would die.he then requested them to burry his body at Mt Lumaku.(near sipitang) upon his death.

The new of the youngest brother’s death was announced to the villager by the beating of gong three times followed by a fact beat in this village,the gong was placed on a rock and struck repatelly and so hard that the rock became marked. The villagers could not come into direct contact with the brothers, thus it was left to the six brothers to carry the body of the youngest brother to Mt. Lumaku. The funeral procession was accompanied by gong beating until they reached the burial site.The journey to Mt.Lumaku took two days.On the first day,the six brothers stopped to spend the night at a place called Nahanas.As they placed the coffin on the ground,it turned into rock.The body however,remained intact.(The villagers of Kampong Salilir called the rock BatuNamalungunan or coffin-shaped rock.This rock can still be seen in Nahanas today).

On the second day,the brothers took turns to carry the body of the youngest brother.At a place called Lumuyu,they stopped to have a rest.They saw that the place had three huge rocks.Overcome with grief at the loss of their youngest brother,the six brothers began carving on the rocks to release their sadness.(These rocks are called BatuBinatikan or carved rock by the villagers.It was said that the brothers used their fingers to carve on the rocks).After having carved them.They continued their journey to Mt.Lumaku where they buried their youngest brother.

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